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About House4Autism

UMTMS is an Erasmus+ project that aims at improving the digital training and learning experience of students in the ship machinery field.

As a very important part of world trade is carried out by sea, national economies are increasingly dependent on efficient maritime transport. This situation leads countries to strengthen their maritime trade fleets and creates a shortage of trained manpower in this field. Especially ship machinery and maintenance is the department with the highest employment gap.

The current project aims to meet the workforce needs in the field of ship machinery by investing in training of students in vocational education.

A real-time interactive laboratory simulation program will be developed by the project partners. This program includes application simulation, theories, procedures, and areas where student observations can be noted. The simulation will include common workshop materials.

The activities
How will we ensure that the objectives are met by meeting quality standards? The consortium has organised itself to develop 3 main activities

  • Creating Simulations: the goal is to develop an interactive set of simulationsthat will support the applied education part of vocational education that ismissing in the distance education process and enable learners to learn by doing and practicing. Our other goal is to create 21 different scenarios within the simulation and to receive the necessary review and feedback on these scenarios after the simulation is created.
  • Application sheets: it will support the applied education part of vocational education that is missing in the distance education process. Thus, the application pages, which are educational simulations to be used in interactive simulation, which will enable learners to learn by doing and practicing, are the special goals of this activity.
  • Online Education Platform: the online education platform will be structured in a Moodle and will be an online course management system with features that can support the activities that are needed in a distance education site.This will provide a learning process regardless of place and setting as the learning environment will be accessible from all internet environments including mobile platforms.

For more details about the project background, visit the project website.

Project Duration
24 months | December 2022 – December 2024

Meet The Partners

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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