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Big Picture

About Big Picture

ig Picture is a project aimed at addressing the increasing need for nurses with advanced geriatric assessment skills in response to the aging population trend. With Europe projected to experience a 70% increase in older adults by 2050, the demand for comprehensive geriatric assessment expertise among nurses is paramount.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Develop a new nursing education curriculum for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment.
  • Offer continuing and lifelong learning education courses to upskill nurses.
  • Integrate the curriculum into higher education institutions (HEIs), universities’, and vocational education and training (VET) programs.
  • Reduce skills shortage in the EU by developing a new curriculum for higher education and vocational education.
  • Implement new learning and teaching methods to deliver the curriculum contents.
  • Utilize learner-centered and real problem-based teaching and learning approaches.
  • Incorporate 3D simulation technologies into the educational process.
  • Introduce open badges and micro-credentials for recognition of skills.
  • Develop and test continuous education programs and activities in collaboration with enterprises.



  • Creation of a new nursing education curriculum for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment.
  • Offering of continuing and lifelong learning education courses for nurses.
  • Integration of the curriculum into HEIs, universities’, and VET institutions’ degree programs.


Big Picture aims to empower nurses with the necessary skills to conduct comprehensive geriatric assessments effectively, improving patient care, and addressing the challenges posed by an aging population.

For more details about the project background, visit the project website.

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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